Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trust your Bowyer

Michelangelo's Madonna

Old Michelangelo was workin, on a sculpture one day and a man came and stood right under it. Looking up, the man said, Mick the nose is way to big.

Michelangelo not wanting to offend the man, said, go over there where people will be standing to see the sculpture and tell me how it looks from over there.

The man went over to where Michelangelo told him to go, and looking again at the nose of the sculpture exclaimed, "it's perfect"
Now there's a lot to be learned in that old story but I think the main point is, Michelangelo had figured out ahead of time just how big the nose needed to be to look right from the place people would later be viewing it; not from right under it.
As a guide, I've had the pleasure of guiding people into wilderness places they were not familiar with.  Ever once in a while I'd get one a them jokers that wouldn't listen to anything you told him.  
Invariable the hunt would go south.  You got to listen to your guide in uncharted territory.  He or she has already got all the bases covered.  Covered by many many days of trial and error.
A good reputable Bowyer is no different.  He's thought through all the parameters of the bow he builds and you should pay attention when he speaks.
Just because it works on that other bow you have, or just because "every body's doing it. doesn't mean it will work in the new application.  Give your Bowyer a break and listen to what he says before making up your mind.  
If you don't you might just get what you asked for and experience can be a hard teacher.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bow for a Soldier

Todd Darling, a member of the MARSS 10 Aircrew sent me this flag from Afganistan.  It was flown in their aircraft on a combat mission on the 11th of September in remembrance of the people who died on 9/11. They also sent me a T-shirt and Ball Cap from the Afghanistan Athletic Club!  I am very proud to fly this flag over my shop.

The certificate they sent with the flag says: "As this flag flew, it symbolized the sovereign power of the United States and the unshakeable resolve to keep our country safe" There were some terrorists under that gunship that day that got some payback for 9/11
I'm proud to know Todd and to have the honor to build him a Bow!

Here's a look at the bows and quiver I made for him and his son Michael.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"What I'm Having for Thanksgiving Dinner"

Wild Game, heart healthy and probably the last good source of healthy meat on the planet!

My Top Secret, no more, Venison marinade:

1/4 cup of A1 sauce
2 tbs Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Pikapeppa sauce
3 tbs Oregon Dan's BBQ sauce with Agave
Juice of one lemon
1 tsp ground Ginger
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1/4 cup Raw honey
1/2 cup Water
1 1/2 to 2 lbs Venison or Beef steak (I like Backstraps)
Mix all ingredients in a zip lock bag for a minimum of 2 hours, more if your meat is tough. up to overnight.
2 hours works for me. Those Montana Whitetails are always tender.

Good as a marinade, barbecue sauce , or dipping sauce. Great on Pork and Chicken too. Since I can't take it to the grave, thought it was bout time to let you in on it. :)

My favorite side dish: Sauteed Onions, Peppas, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms

0ne Sweet Onion
One Green pepper
Chunk up;
One Tomato
slice up a passel of your favorite mushroom

Begin by sauteing the onions on low heat in butter and olive oil
saute the onions until caramelized (just beginning to turn brown)
Throw in the Green pepper, mushrooms, and tomatoes
Continue to saute until the tomatoes just start to breakdown
Add salt and pepper to taste.
It's Awesome with some Back Straps!

"Craftsmanship is Everything"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why I Hunt

My relatives were there!

So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them,

 "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.

And the fear of you and the dread and terror of you shall be upon every beast of the land, every bird of the air, all that creeps upon the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are delivered into your hand.

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and as I gave you the green vegetables and plants, I give you everything."
Genesis 9:1-3

My family, going back to Doc and Rollie Burnham in 1927 have hunted Deer and Elk for food. I am sure my forefathers, going back to Jamestown,  did as well. If they had not hunted, they would not have eaten.

My forefathers were at the First Thanksgiving feast in America.  John Rolfs was one of them. One of my relatives was with George Washington at Valley Forge. They all hunted and foraged for food.

Today, I live on a very meager social security disability benefit that barely pays my rent and utilities.  Not being able to pay $8 a pound for hamburger, I hunt and fish.

I was 14 years old before I knew there was any other source of meat then what we took hunting and fishing.

Now, my forefathers, if you knew them at all, taught respect for all things wild.

If you went out hunting for any other reason than to feed yourself and your family, you received a quick and painful rebuke.

These men my Hero's, lived through the Great Depression, they lived on what the land produced. They were grateful for EVERY provision.

Modern "Hunting" sadly, is for the most part not so. it is about killing for killing sake at the worst and at it's best a competition to see who can garner bragging rights for hanging the largest trophy on the wall. I know, I have guided those kind of men and women.

But for me and many others here in Montana, it is a way of putting good, healthy , God given food on the table.

Just because "someone else" kills your food for you and brings it to a nearby market, and because you can afford $17.00 a pound Filet Mignon, doesn't make you any less of a meat eater than I am. If you pay someone to kill your food for you, your still the killer.

The difference is, you think food comes from the Super Market, I know it comes from God.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Packin Out"

Packin out, the day After

I hadn't planned to go hunting this year but my nephew called me and asked me if I would take him hunting. I said sure! Bought a tag, sharpened up the broadheads, and scouted out one of my old Honey Holes.

I'm 62 years old. Five years ago, I got bucked off a Horse, while guiding in the Bob Marshall wilderness, rolled over a cliff and broke my back and neck. It's been a long recovery. This year, I finally got back to where I could hike in the mountains again.

Long story sort, my Nephew didn't show up, so I decided not to let my tag go to waste. I headed out to my hunting spot.

It's one of those places most people just drive right by. The ground rises up about 30 feet next to the road; blocking the view for any would be scouters. If you take the time to walk up that little hill to a view point, you are greeted with a scene any veteran mountain Whitetail hunter would give his eye teeth for!

There is a stand of Quaking Aspen, 40 to 50 feet tall that run through a valley beginning near the road and trailing up the mountain into a dense conifer forest, mostly Spruce and Alpine Fir. Somewhere high up on the mountain a spring headwaters a little brook that runs down through the Aspen and then secretively goes back under ground just before it gets to the road.

The browse in the area is lush and diverse. In short Whitetail deer heaven! In all the years I've know about this place, I've both heard, and seen, hundreds of truck loads of hunters drive by on the road but never have I ever seen anyone else hunt this spot. A Deer hunter's dream come true; beautiful country, lot's of game, and no competition!

As I crept slowly up to my stand, I thought about what a beautiful day it was. Sun shining intermittently with occasional flurries of big fluffy snowflakes. The wind blowing in my face as I approached my destination I thought, “How wonderful it would be to share this with someone.” After all the years of keeping it to my self, I was wishing for a hunting partner.

Continuing quietly through the emerald green conifers with my nose filled with the pungent odor of their pitch and needles, I thought back over my 62 years and all the hunts I had been on, the people I had met and known, and the sight of an old buck slippin through the woods, intent on an errand only he knew about.

One of those thoughts was of being on an Elk hunt back in the 70's when suddenly a big mountain snow storm came up. You know, one of those blizzards where you can't see. Bout as soon as it come up, it moved on and was over as quickly as it had started. It left a pristine covering of glistening diamond filled snow on the forest floor.

As I continued to hunt in the newly fallen snow, I came across a large deer track.

Now you know that had to be fresh! I followed it, out of curiosity, and in just a few minutes, I caught up to one of the biggest 5x5 Mulie bucks I had ever seen. I just stood there and enjoyed the sight until he disappeared in the thick Oak brush.

On another hunt, my first Elk hunt, 12 years old, I remembered Hiking with my Father, brother, and my old uncle Allie up to the Cement Basin up under Mount Rainier. I can still feel my nearly frozen toes.
There wasn't all the hunting gear and creature comforts we enjoy now.

We didn't kill any Elk that year, probably because of us noisy kids being along, but my Dad and uncle seemed to be happy just to have us there and my brother and I had a grand old time. Eight days in the woods with no school, nobody tellin ya to do this or that, and listening to old hunting yarns by the fire at night; sides splitting from all the laughter. How could it possibly be any better!

I knew right then and there this would be something I would want to do all my life!

Those were just a few of the memories flooding my mind and my heart as I neared my stand.
As I got to the Buck crossing it was as if the Lord asked me if I would like one more hunting memory.
With tears welling up in my eyes I said, “Yes Sir.”

Well I took my place and looking the crossing over I saw, not to far to my right, a fresh Buck scrape.
It was early for the rut to be in full swing but that was a sign the Bucks were cruising; looking for potential mates.

I made a few doe bleet noises and just as the woods returned to silence I caught movement. In my peripheral vision I saw an ear twitch. Next moment he came out into the open with the sun reflecting from his perfectly symmetrical 4x4 rack and the next thing I remember I was walking up on my Trophy!

My 2011 Buck

Well I guess you know, after that, the work began. I tried to drag the Buck out of the woods but it didn't take long for me to realize I had done that for the last time.

I set about skinning and quartering that buck right where he lay. By the time darkness showed up, I had packed the hind quarters and the head back to my truck.

Happily exhausted, I knew I would have to wait for morning to go back for the rest.

Who knows, maybe this will be my last hunting memory. Age, and the circumstances of life, bring an end to all such things eventually, but one thing I will always have, are the memories of great hunts, fine friends, and loving family; maybe, those are the best trophies of all!

Slippin through the woods

Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's Fred Bears Fault

It's Fred Bears Fault”

Somewhere around 1960 my father heard there was going to be an outdoor film shown down at the local theater.  A man name of Fred Bear was going around the country showing 35mm films of his archery exploits.

This particular film was about Fred Bear crawling up on a huge Grizzly bear with his recurve bow, intent upon sticking an arrow into the vitals of that monster. 

Back in those days there were no sportsman's channels on TV and very few hunting films.  Go to Sportsman's Warehouse today and you will find rack after rack of hunting, fishing, and outdoor video.  Not so in 1960. 

So you can imagine the excitement a 10 year old kid had.  I just knew this had to be the bravest man in the world.  I remember the bear was eating something, can't remember what, but I do remember hearing the bear crunching bones. 

To make a long story short Fred made that shot and I think that bear is now in the Fred Bear Museum.

I met Fred again around 1965 or so at a local bow shoot put on by the Natapoc Bowmen of Wenatchee Washington. 

The Bowmen held their shoots in the Tumwater Canyon area just outside Leavenworth Washington.  There were no 3D shoots then, no scoring, no winners or losers, just a bunch of guys getting together to sling some arrows, tell some tall tales, eat potluck,  enjoying each other, and being in the woods. 

There was a running deer target, (A reasonable facsimile of a deer anyway), hung on a wire somehow.  

When they let the deer slide, we let the arrows fly.  It was great fun!

Standing next to me on the shooting line was Fred Bear.  He hit that deer every time.  I don't think I ever hit it, but Fred always had something encouraging to say to me.

As I shook Fred Bears hand that day,  I remember the gentle look in his eye, and the smile on his face, and as kids do, I knew he genuinely enjoyed shooting with me that day, even though I was "just a kid."

That's how this bow building all got started.  People mostly built their own archery equipment in those days.  There were no compounds and the terms "Traditional and Primitive Archery" had not been coined yet. 

There was no division between archers.  You either shot a recurve or a longbow. 

We all had one attraction.  The mystifying and primordial gratification that comes from looking at the target, pulling back the string, and watching as somehow the arrow flew through the air to it's mark.

Fred Bear, Howard Hill, Ben Pearson, Pope and Young, Maurice Thompson, Art Laha, Chester Stevenson, Byron Ferguson, Glen St. Charles, The Stotler Brothers, and many others; these are my hero's, and the men who taught me the joy of archery.  
Still can't hit that durn running deer target!


Welcome to My Archery Blog

"Cheerily blow the bugle horn
In the cool green woods of morn;
Loose the hounds and let them go,
Wax the cord and bend the bow."
SO long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of archery keep hold of the hearts of men. You have but to mention an archer or archery to your friend, and immediately his interest is aroused. He may scoff at the bow and sneer at the arrow; but he will inquire and show curiosity. Hang a long bow and a quiver of arrows conspicuously in your hall or library, and you will soon discover that no exquisite painting or bit of statuary will receive from guests more attention than will be accorded to these ancient weapons.”
Maurice Thompson, “The Witchery of Archery”