Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bow for a Soldier

Todd Darling, a member of the MARSS 10 Aircrew sent me this flag from Afganistan.  It was flown in their aircraft on a combat mission on the 11th of September in remembrance of the people who died on 9/11. They also sent me a T-shirt and Ball Cap from the Afghanistan Athletic Club!  I am very proud to fly this flag over my shop.

The certificate they sent with the flag says: "As this flag flew, it symbolized the sovereign power of the United States and the unshakeable resolve to keep our country safe" There were some terrorists under that gunship that day that got some payback for 9/11
I'm proud to know Todd and to have the honor to build him a Bow!

Here's a look at the bows and quiver I made for him and his son Michael.

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