Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A View From My Hammock

A view from my Hammock . . .

"Coming home from the mountain, as I pulled my old pickup onto the highway, I was immediately struck by the whizzing of cars passing by me.

I realized I was only driving 45 mph on a 70 mph highway!

I had been on the mountain for a couple days, just listening to the creek , the wind, and the occasional voice of a bird or animal.
I had spent two days and nights just resting in the Lord, listening for His voice, and lifting up those of you who asked me to do so. Now, it was back to the high speed chase of humanity.

Adonai spoke to me about a lot of things. He answered some long standing questions I've had, like; Why does the whole world hate Jews and Christians? He told me why He gave Moshe the Ten Commandments; very interesting!

He talked with me about the persecution of Jews and Christians going on world wide, without the notice of the media or our "government."

He talked with me about Southern Sudan and His plans for that nation. He told me over 2 million Nuba Christians have been murdered there by Islamic Jihadists.
He told me His plan for Southern Sudan was to richly bless them.

I didn't know this, but He told me Southern Sudan is the "only" nation that has established their embassy in Jerusalem!
God said a long time ago, "I will bless those who bless Israel!"
He evidently means that! Denise Bucher Matthews, you will have a big piece of what He is doing there. :)

He talked to me about falling Pine Cones; :)!!

He told me Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu has a Bible study in his home!
Not a study of Jewish commentaries, but a true Bible study. Straight from the horses mouth, so to speak! Pray for that study group!

He told me much more.

I'm still digesting everything he told me. It's simply amazing!

My last afternoon, I was sitting watching the clouds float by, three times Yeshua's face materialized in those clouds!

Most of all, he talked with me about us meeting Him in those clouds very very soon!  (See 1 Thessalonians)

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